Warning to electric car drivers in extremely hot weather.
We all know that petrol and diesel cars don't work well when extremely heated. It is the same case with electric vehicles it's even riskier for EVs. However, this should not scare you not to own one. Experts have come up with ways of managing this situation.

We all know that petrol and diesel cars don't work well when extremely heated. It is the same case with electric vehicles it's even riskier for EVs. However, this should not scare you not to own one. Experts have come up with ways of managing this situation.
The battery life of most electronic devices is compromised and less effective when exposed to higher temperatures, and electric cars are no exception, with a study conducted by GeoTab on 6,000 electric vehicles showing that the capacity of an electric car battery is reduced when driven in hot weather.
How to prevent issues
1) Park your electric vehicle in the shade
Parking any vehicle in the shade during hot weather is best practice, but electric vehicles need to be kept cool to ensure the optimal function of their lithium-ion batteries. If this is not possible, taking other preventative measures to keep your vehicle's temperature down such as a sunshade for your windscreen will help.
2) Avoid driving between 12 pm and 3 pm
Just like we are all advised to avoid being directly in the heat when it is at its most powerful, the same goes for your electric vehicle. This will help to make the most of your vehicle’s energy and range, as well as preserve the vehicle’s tyre pressure
3) Charge your vehicle to 80%
Electric vehicles share the same type of battery as other portable electronic devices such as laptops and smartphones, meaning that these devices run the risk of being overcharged. Overcharging is often coupled with overheating, which when combined with increased temperatures, elevates the chance of damage occurring. Therefore, only charging your vehicle to 80% capacity will significantly reduce this risk.